Deadspin Classic: The 2008 New York Jets Preview, By Jenn Sterger

The NFL has shipped off its report about Brett Favre's penis to Roger Goodell (more later), but, for now, let's look back on how this all began: with the 2008 Jets preview Jenn wrote for us, and which I'd completely forgotten about. The piece comically foreshadows things to come. Not intentionally, of course, but this was most likely written about the time when Brett started to develop a little crush on Jenn. It was turned in late because Jenn was required to run this preview past her bosses at the Jets before it was published. Observe some of her emails from early September in 2008: Hey AJ, Just wanted you to know I have finished the preview article on the Jets..but I am waiting on clearance from them before I can send it to you, and they are taking their sweet time..…